There is no doubt that if you have purchased or are thinking of buying a flat-screen plasma or LCD TV that you thought of wall mounting. Many people begin their placement with LCD or plasma TV as a result of a stand with the hope of mounting. Why would you want to wall mount the TV? Well, apart from the fact that it looks really cool, it's a great saving of space and really opens the space in the room. We'll tell you what to consider before making a decisionthen how to do it, if you choose.
Some things to consider before making the decision to the wall hangs your plasma or LCD TV to be made:
1 Where to mount the TV? 2 Where does your equipment like cable or satellite, and AV receivers, DVD players, line conditioners, etc. 3 How do you route the cable from the TV to the device? 4 How do you get the power for the TV? 5 What kind of wall-mount use, and note that the things you have in your congregation?6 We can and should do the job yourself?
We will go over these questions one by one, and at the end of this article you will find everything you need to know to make your decision, go with the plan and you know it.
1) If you mount the TV?
The first step is to decide where your plasma or LCD TV mount. Obviously this will depend on the design of the room, but a couple of things before deciding to proceed. You must consider things like whether the critical considerationHe sits down, if you want the TV from different areas in the hall or just a central living area, what kind of light that have to do in the room, which assemble behind the wall where you want to clock-happy, and where is the other equipment.
After determining the display area, you can decide which wall you want your TV so that everyone can comfortably watch TV instead. Ideally, the TV can not be mounted too high, since it will be uncomfortable to see if youmust tilt your head to the television. We must balance this with your cosmetic room, and may be willing to make sacrifices. Installed in many rooms, with a TV on a white wall, ideally in the room could be fun, so many people support to make it look better than TV on the wall. An ideal height for the TV is the center of the TV at eye level when seated. It might be a good idea to use a cardboard cutout of the same size as the TV isYou can see on the wall. If you decide your plasma or LCD TV's highest mountain than it should have an attack angle. This is a bracket and vertically on the TV so you can tip more easily watch TV.
If the visual field is very large, or if you want the TV to watch the other room then you are using an adjustable bracket. In addition to being able to tilt vertically on the TV, you can use plasma or LCD TV from the wall and extendin turn, left or right, up to 90 degrees, depending on the frame. These are also motorized media now, so you can do this with the push of a button. For example, if it would be convenient if you have the TV mounted in the living room and you want you can watch TV in your dining room. You can turn on the TV so that the face of an adjacent room, so you have no problem they consider. Another reason to use an adjustable support is that when you watch TVin a bright room, you can adjust the TV at different times of day so as to minimize glare.
You should also find out what behind the wall to mount your plasma or LCD TV, and make sure that there are at least two nails to assemble. If you mount, if above the fireplace, I recommend using a contractor or installer inspect the area to make sure it is secure. Most gas fireplaces do not cause problems, but many built-in will be installed very difficultThe TV to give and where to lay cables. If you decide that this is where you mount the TV, please check with someone this experience before starting any work.
2) Where does your equipment like cable or satellite, and AV receivers, DVD players, line conditioners, etc.
It 'important to know where your plasma or LCD TV in connection with devices like your cable or satellite, audio-video receivers, DVD players are thinking,etc., because you need to run the cable between the TV and appliances. This will determine how difficult it is, run wires, whether it is the cable used in the wall or the wall, the type and length if you need an IR repeater or radio-frequency repeater system for remote control to add, and what kind Surge protection you want.
You got a lot of options when it comes to where the equipment is provided, but generally the further away fromThe television, will be more involved. For example, many HDMI cables to a recommended maximum distance that the cable can carry a 1080p signal. Everything you need to be longer than the booster or converter. For many people, since the purpose of the wall your TV LCD or plasma to remove cluttery, will place the device in a closet or hidden in a closet. This requires creativity and wiring is also necessary that you take to improve your remote controlotherwise you may not be able to change channels or control your system. So, for all practical purposes it is generally easier when the gear is nearby, where you mount the TV.
3) How will you route the cable from the TV to the device?
In both cases, you have some connections from the TV to make the devices. If you run the cable from the wall to decide, I would recommend the use of a molding to hide the cables. These are hollow plastic parts are printed double-sidedTape on the back so that they stick to the wall, and you can run the cables in them, to hide the cables. They can be usually found at your local hardware store or an electrical storage device. They are also paintable, so you do a good job of hiding the cables will. If you are listed at a lower level next to your TV or TV, this is a good alternative to running the cable into the wall.
If you run the cables in the wall, there are many things to consider. First of all,Please contact your county to ensure that all your work is done in compliance with county, and if the permit is required. This may be an important factor if you want to sell your home, and if there is ever a problem where you need is to make a claim with your insurance company. Many installers are things that can cause problems for you on the road. For example, many installers in the power cord into the wall that goes from TV is to a wall outletor a surge protector. This is dangerous and violates the code construction and in case you had a house fire, this could cause big problems getting your insurance to cover things. You should also UL/CL3 rated cable in the wall. These are evaluated to make sure you ran into the wall. Cable to many who can not be evaluated UL/CL3 carry around a fire, so you should not use them.
Also note the length and quality of cable you need. In most cases, no problem if all lengthsis in the same room, but when your starting lengths are very long, you should take the time to find out if there is a recommended maximum length for the cable, especially when it comes to 1080p HDMI.
Also, if you connect the device with an HDMI cable, consider some procedures to secure your cable. This can be anything from a clamp to attach the HDMI cable to the mountain, so that stress away from the cable and which continues to fall out, the use of aBlock closing Universal HDMI cable or adapter that puts on your HDMI input and the HDMI cable locks available, and the elimination of stress on your HDMI input.
4) How do you get the power to the TV?
If all cables are out of the wall, in most cases, you can use the power cord into your design and insert it into an electrical outlet, or you should use a quality surge protector or power filter. If you keep the cord into the wall, Irecommend an electrician to install a power surge, such as those made by Monster Cable, Panamax, behind the TV, make sure your TV plug into the outlet, and at the same time protects your plasma or LCD damaging surges and power surges. Click here for the selection 's in-wall to see a surge protector. You should also avoid running the cables together with power lines, because it can introduce noise in your image and sound, while not at yourExperience.
5) What kind of wall-mount use, and note that the things you have in your congregation?
There are many brands of high quality media are available and please take the time to research to find the right support for your TV. Most devices are quite universal, but you should confirm that the system will work for your TV before you buy. Most system manufacturers as the best fitting Sanus, Chief Manufacturing, Peerless OmniMountFinder will mount on their websites that allow you to have to find the right support for your TV model. Increase the quality, as brackets are manufactured by these companies using the best materials and technologies, and offer features such as cable management, one-touch settings, and offer a very flexible mounting possibilities for off-center mounting, etc.
The most common types of media for your plasma or LCD TV is mounted flat tilting wall mount, articulating andmotorized wall mount. There you will find ceiling mounts, desktop support, mounted on a motorized bed, but we'll just mention here four of the base. Flat-mounting brackets are the lowest profile, usually about 1 cm deep from the wall at the back of the TV. These owners have no options to adjust the TV so that when the TV is mounted, it can be moved from this position. Angle brackets are low is usually 1.5 to 2 cm, and allows you to mount your plasma or LCD vertical, set a rule up to 10Degrees up or down. These are great if the TV is mounted above or below optimal viewing height.
Articulating mount and motorized supports that allow you to adjust your TV vertically or horizontally. Supports are, where you turn to your plasma or LCD TV 90 degrees left or right. These mounts are usually very well built, since it support the weight of the TV, and has expanded from the wall. In addition, the more space between the wall and theTV, usually 4.5 to 6 inches. This can be removed for their mounts to the wall using a box made by many manufacturers. They allow wall mounting boxes for your TV sit against the wall when it collapsed completely flat, and still allows you to fully customize your TV for optimal viewing. These supports are also great for bright rooms, like you, the viewing angle for your TV depending on time of day and how the light hits the TV screen has been adapted to allow, much less for whatLight reflections in bright environments. Supports the same adjustments that allow motorized, but the remote control. Soon, you'll never get up off the couch again!
I have to install a couple of strong recommendations to buy an articulated. If the TV is on the high side of the recommended range for the next mountain. For example, if a 50-inch plasma TV, and you have the option of an adjustable bracket with a range of 42-50 centimeters, or go to the next recommendedgo for 50 to 60 inches, with the option of mounting 50-60 inches. I have seen too many cases by hanging, where someone begins the long range of mounting options, and in time the mountain, and make very loud grinding noise when adjusted. Even if it works and your TV supports, will not be happy when the TV starts to sit on the wall and is bent, sags or when you pull out from the wall. Even if you are not sure you want to use, but you think you might want the ability to turn your TV,mounted the joint investment. If you want to get a bearing plate or inclination, and do it later, turn it on, you're stuck without this capacity. Final recommendation, make sure you have enough cable to extend to the TV. Otherwise, the cables each time you get your TV off the wall, or limit your offer, none of which is a good option.
6) you can, and you should do the job yourself?
Mounting a TV on the wall is not a difficult task. RaceWires in the wall can be difficult, and can also be dangerous when it comes to high voltage cables. It is recommended to install the TV professionally, especially if you run the cables in the wall. I have already installed many of them do not work, Home, and costs at the end much more to repair or replace equipment, as if he had paid a professional for installation.
That said, I realize that many people still deal with this myself. The installation ofTV is an easy process. Normally the carriers are in two parts, the main mounting plate that attaches to the wall, and mounting plates to attach your plasma or LCD TV to come. The plasma or LCD TV is mounted with brackets, it is usually hung on the wall plate and secured with the hardware provided. All key rings with whom I worked for a very good guide, but I'll do a few things to watch out.
Make sure you find the center of the bolt when you connect theWall plate, and be sure to last at least two bolts for the biggest plasma TV or LCD TV when hung on the wall plate, make sure you have two people lift the TV. Be sure you know what's behind the wall before drilling or cutting into drywall, so you do not start accidentally cut a power line or gas pipe or water.
If you have cable in the wall, you should contact an electrician install an outlet behind the plasma or LCD TV. You should also planhow to run cables and make sure that the cables running the right cables in the wall. This should give you at the design stage, where your plasma TV or LCD TV mount, and exactly what you need for the job.
What is involved in mounting your plasma or LCD TV?
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