Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fiber Optic Cable Types: Simplex Vs Duplex - Singlemode Vs Multimode

Fiber Optic Cable Types: Simplex Vs Duplex - Singlemode Vs Multimode


When purchasing either a fiber optic HDMI extender or VGA extender, it is important to understand the different varieties of core characteristics that are available within the cabling itself. Each of these different characteristics will have different effects on your ability to transmit information reliably, and these different characteristics also affect how the extender or VGA extender you are looking at will cost. Let's take a look at the most common fiber optics cores used in the industry today.


Simplex fiber optic cables consist of just one optic fiber. Their purpose is in one-way signal transfer applications. Analog to digital data readouts, interstate highway sensor relays, and automated speed and boundary sensors (for sports applications) are all great uses of Simplex fiber optic cable. This form of fiber cable can be cheaper than Duplex cables, because less material is involved. Simplex cable is compatible with any HDMI extender.


Duplex cable is simply two optic fibers structured in a zipcord arrangement. Zipcord style means the cables run next to each other. Multimode and Singlemode duplex fiber alike are used for two-way data transfers. Larger workstations, switches, servers, and major networking hardware tends to require duplex fiber optic cable. Duplex cables can be more expensive than Simplex cables, and are compatible with any extender.

Singlemode Fiber Optic Cable

Singlemode fiber has a smaller core and just one path for light to travel down. Since there is only one wavelength of light moving through the core, single mode light aligns at the center of the optic core rather than bouncing about the interior of the core, which is the technology that enables Multimode cable to carry multiple light signals. Singlemode cables might be used in conjunction with a long range extender, or perhaps a few extenders, to move fiber optic signal over multiple miles. Singlemode fiber tends to have a glass core at 9-micron, and is compatible with either a one-way or two-way extender or VGA extender.

Dualmode Fiber Optic Cable

Dualmode fiber is a large diameter fiber core. Due to its relatively large size, multiple channels of light can be transmitted, allowing multiple bandwidths and signals to be transmitted simultaneously. Dualmode works great for most fiber applications. It works especially well in alarm systems, audio/video systems and production, desktops and laptops, and display systems. Dualmode fiber cable is both HDMI extender and VGA extender compatible.

Cable Thicknesses

Optic fire cable thickness can change depending on if your application calls for an HDMI extender, VGA extender, or both. The average HDMI extender will typically be used in conjunction with a 50 micron cable as opposed to a 62.5 micro cable. The reason an HDMI extender is used with 50 micron cable is because it has three times the bandwidth as compared to a 62.5 micron cable. Thus since an HDMI extender is typically used with two-way HDMI communications, you will rarely see an HDMI extender in use with a 62.5 micron cable.

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