Saturday, May 28, 2011

Flat and round HDMI cables for your home theater?

Just when you thought it was safe to go buy an HDMI cable, you now need to consider a new and interesting concept, flat HDMI cable. What were all over the world that the producers when they came up with this idea? I thought that all cables must be round.

There are some advantages of using flat HDMI, but in my opinion, these benefits have nothing to do with the quality of the video. I have used both flat and round HDMI cables in many plants and compared themSide-by-side. I've never seen a difference in image quality. I have other installers I work with has asked to compare the plan for the round and I agree with my comparison. Visually, it can be no difference in image quality between the two cables.


Of course, the hard-core home theater buff contradict me and say that a flat HDMI cable, you get better video quality. There is a theory that an HDMI cable round of the States has internal wires which are packedaround each other, where each inner edge separates the apartment across the width of the cable. This eliminates "cross talk" (interference) that occurs in the round cable. The flat HDMI to eliminate this "cross talk", but visually it is no big difference in picture quality.

The biggest advantage of using a flat HDMI cable is convenience. It 's easier to work with and I use it when my plants do not make me much room to movearound.

Here are some advantages to using an HDMI cable tray:

It bends easier. A round HDMI cable is thicker and not as easily bent as a main dish. This makes it easier to install in / along the walls. It 's easier to get hung up behind a HDTV. A tour of HDMI can not be wound so tight like a dish you like, and tend to swell behind the TV. They can hide better behind a baseboard. He sits against the wall and these functions can be flush with the baseboard withoutGaps. Enforcement is easier under the carpet. Just make sure it is not, put it under the carpet in a high traffic area. This is to do something, plumbers these days, because the cable will not lead to a bump in the carpet. It can be depicted as a single round can. This is a huge advantage if you run the HDMI flat along the top of the baseboard and paint the wall to decide in the mixture.

So the flat HDMI cables are the same as the turn is a function (perhapsbetter if you believe in the "cross talk" theory), and as long as it is certified by the Committee of HDMI, you need to buy flat HDMI cables are considering for their convenience, not quality video.

Flat and round HDMI cables for your home theater?

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